We are a hard-working (and hard-playing)
team of friends and colleagues.
In more than 65 years together, we’ve built a lot of things—including really strong relationships with each other. We’ve been working hard lifting buildings, holding back rivers and stabilizing dams for more than 65 years—and having our share of fun along the way. Meet some of the people who make up our talented team.

What can we say about Adara? We're working with a word count limitation or we could go on! Adara is all the things - she's calm, cool, collected and hardworking on the job. She's already received five-star reviews from clients and colleagues alike for her work ethic, her great disposition and for being a great teammate. If we could clone her, we would - but for now, we'll just be thrilled that we have one Adara Getsy on our team!
Waylon - what can we say about him? A lot. He's a fantastic driller who has risen to the top of his game. He's a great teammate and will always do what it takes to get the job done right. He's also a pretty accomplished runner - with a lot of miles under his belt. Having Waylon on the team just makes us better all around - and we're lucky he calls Nicholson home!
Becky is the Sorcerer of administrative management/Juggler of Tasks for her Eastern Region team—and she does it all while staying as cool as the other side of the pillow. Our perpetually positive “Rebecky” is definitely up to the task of keeping the Eastern Region on track!
Bill is the steady hand in charge of estimating for the very busy Eastern Region. He also may be the calmest, most even-keeled person in the entire company. Bill is great with clients, great with colleagues and, as a bonus, his legendarily dry sense of humor keeps us having fun at work.

Andy is a man of many talents. Aside from being one of our Senior Design Engineers, he’s also your friendly, randomly-rhyming, neighborhood dirtbike-riding lumberjack. We’ve been lucky enough to have Andy on our team for more than a decade—and we look forward to more rhyming and designing in the next ten years!
An Engineering Equestrian Extraordinaire, Emily is crafty in both life and engineering. She loves creating and designing things—for anything from clever life hacks to complicated site designs - she’s got you covered. She’s also the Sketchup Queen who enjoys creating site layouts and visualizations for our clients. Emily inspires us all to be just a little bit more creative!
Doug is the master of trouble-shooting, the guru of grouting and a field favorite. Always willing to get on site and roll up his sleeves, Doug is at the top of a lot of our “who to call” list for engineering questions, soil questions, and with his vast knowledge of random facts, he’s also at the top of our call list for trivia questions.
An avid skier imported from France, Benjamin is not only known for being an excellent engineer and our go-to for all things D-wall, but also as one of the nicest people (and teammates) you could be lucky enough to know. Always willing to jump in and help, we say a heartfelt “Merci” to Benjamin for joining our team.
Zak brings not only a ton of great experience to the Engineering Team, but also, a ton of calm, cool and collected vibes. He's a great leader on the team and a client favorite. We feel pretty lucky to have this cool customer on our Engineering Team!
If there was an Engineering Hall of Fame, Rick would be in it. He's the giver of advice, solver of problems and leader of Engineering at Nicholson, not to mention a two-time Annual Cornhole Tournament Champion. Though he's too humble to admit it, Rick is an award-winning contributor to our industry, and we are lucky to call him a colleague.


Alex is just one of those people you know you can always count on—and he consistently goes the extra mile to help out his colleagues when we need him. Alex is a consummate professional—which makes him an absolute rockstar with our clients. He’s also a whole lot of fun—which makes pretty much everyone a fan of him.
The story of Nicholson could not be written without the help of our talented (and extremely humble) Operations Manager Danny Mirt, who has worked on some of our most recognizable and impressive projects, including Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas and the sprawling Epic Systems Campus in Wisconsin. We consider ourselves fortunate to work alongside him.
Than is the best of us. He's a great mentor to everyone around him, he's a champion for safety and he's a person who never, ever stops learning. His enthusiasm for his work is always clear. We're lucky to be in Than's orbit!
Josh is the steady hand overseeing operations for the Midwest region. Calm under pretty much any circumstance, he’s a great leader in great times and an even better one in tough times. Besides being virtually unflappable, Josh gives the same level of commitment to non-operational projects across the company and is always someone you can depend on - which may be the best leadership quality of all.

Some people just make you want to be better, and Mary Ellen is one of them! Mary Ellen has just the right mix of technical knowledge and genuine care to build strong relationships with our clients and partners. She’s also been a leader and role model for young women in our industry for years. Our glass is always half full with the perpetually positive Mary Ellen on our team!
Greg has one of the most important jobs in the company: leading the charge to keep our people safe. With more than 20 years of experience as a Safety professional, Greg has led safety efforts for some of construction’s biggest names. In addition to being really safe, Greg is just a great guy—he's one of the most positive people on staff and we also benefit from him being an amateur chef.
In an industry where things can get a little dirty, Madison knows how to make us shine. As our Marketing and Communication Manager, she’s the creative mind crafting how we share our story with the world, showcasing the strength and expertise of Nicholson Construction. With her eye for detail and can-do attitude, she’s a driving force behind our message—making sure it’s as strong and compelling as the work we do.
Jen oversees Human Resources at Nicholson, which means she is the knower of all things, the official corporate referee and the answerer of all questions. Somehow, she manages to tackle listening and refereeing and advising us all with superhero-like patience and a smile on her face—even during Open Enrollment.
Brian is the main driver of the company’s business development efforts. Catch him if you can—while he works out of the Corporate office, he’s typically all over the country visiting clients (and throwing down a few runs on the ski slopes, whenever possible.) Brian is a great teammate, an ally for women in construction, and an all-around nice guy.

Dan has logged some epic miles with Nicholson, working in the MidWest, Major Projects and Rocky Mountain regions. The many miles plus his more-than-30 years of experience have prepared him to oversee the large, complicated (and wild!) territory of the Rocky Mountain Region. He's one of our best relationship builders and problem solvers - and when he's not living the construction life, you can find him relaxing back at his Lazy-K Hat Ranch.
Goals? Set. Objectives? Met. Robert is a take-charge kind of guy - and that has paid off greatly as he starts his new adventure as a Superintendent. He's as tough as they come in the field, but there was once another career Robert considered: chef! We're guessing the crews probably benefit from both Robert's leadership AND his love of cooking. Yes, Chef!
What can we say about Mamoun? A lot. He's a conscientious Project Manager and shines with our clients. But he's also just a great person to have on your team - he always finds time to help, goes above and beyond for people who need his help - and does it all with an impossibly positive attitude.
As described by his coworkers, Dave "is a drilling and grouting machine." In close to 30 years in the industry, he has traveled all over the Western half of the United States and successfully scaled more than one the geotechnical mountain using his amazing out-of-the-box thinking problem solving. But, don’t be fooled by the Senior title - Dave is still a kid at heart.
Cody is the Swiss Army Knife of coworkers: he can do a lot of things - and he does them all really well. Whether he’s estimating, writing papers, working with our clients, developing new business or helping out a teammate, he never misses. We’re lucky to have the talented (and multi-functional) Cody on our team!
Rocky Mountain
Rocky Mountain

Major Projects
Major Projects
Ryan has been building some of our biggest and most complicated projects for more than 20 years. As part of our Major Projects group, he's traveled the country, working on notable and challenging projects like US Capitol Visitor's Center, Second Avenue Subway and Central Subway. Ryan is a problem solver, a leader, an ally and a teambuilder—and one of the best storytellers around.
Jose has been part of some of the biggest and most complicated projects we’ve worked on in the last decade. This road warrior has been positively representing Nicholson from coast-to-coast with our Major Projects group. Jose is a strong leader, a great teammate, a great technical resource and has an absolutely killer sense of humor.
One of our favorite French imports, Lola makes managing massive, complicated projects look like a piece of cake. She’s calm, cool and collected, no matter the situation. And despite her plate being perpetually full, she’s always willing to help out her colleagues across the company when they need her.
Ron has been in the world of geotechnical construction for more than 40 years, building and overseeing projects across the country. He's been part of many of Nicholson's Landmark projects, including Port of Miami and Wanapum Dam. Ron is a leader and a mentor to our next generation, and he probably has more frequent flier miles than anyone in the company.

A native of our northern neighbor, Jeff is a 25-year industry veteran, having worked throughout Canada and the Pacific Northwest. He has worked for some of the biggest names in our industry and has even spent time with our sister company, AGRA Foundations. Canadians are notorious for being nice folks, and Jeff is no exception. We're happy to have Jeff leading our team!
Dino has been building iconic projects for Nicholson for more than 30 years. Some of his greatest hits include Mandalay Bay, Gilboa Dam, Williamsburg Bridge and the Four Seasons Baltimore. Starting as a Project Engineer, he’s climbed the ranks to his current role as Senior Vice President/Eastern Region. Follow the sound of laughter and you’ll find Dino—who is known for his infectious humor.
Dan has been with Nicholson for more than 20 successful years. He started with us as a Field Engineer and is now the Senior Vice President of Operations for our Central Region, where he is responsible for securing and successfully building our work. Dan is a great colleague and mentor—and a Michigan State Spartan for life. We feel pretty lucky he's on our team.
Frederic has been a champion for innovation in our industry for more than 20 years. The most creative civil engineer you'll ever meet, we're convinced he was some type of artist in another life. Frederic is a true servant leader - and could teach a master class on building a positive, employee-centered corporate culture. Merci to Frederic for joining our team!
Rob has been the steadying financial hand of Nicholson for more than ten years. He was so good at steering our financial ship that he is now responsible for all of the North American companies. Outside of managing the financial fleet, Rob brings a wicked sense of humor to the office every day and is an all-around nice guy to work with.
Nigel is the definition of level-headed leadership. Perpetually positive and consistently calm, he has the uncanny ability to always see the forest through the trees and to make sure the team is marching in the right direction. We consider ourselves very luck to have Nigel as the steady hand of the Western Region.